Our church family meet together throughout the year in a variety of ways. We have small groups, for study, discipleship and prayer. We have larger groups, like our men’s’ and ladies’ groups, that have a calendar of great events to be part of. We have annual events like our camping weekend, June/July time. We also aim to have regular residentials for different groupings across the ages of our church family.
For more details please contact the church office.

We have a variety of groups that meet, across Thanet, to study and support each other.
There are groups meeting both during the day and evenings, of all ages and stages of faith.
If you would like to be part of one of these small group, or just learn more about them, please get in touch.

We have a very active group for the men in the church, meeting most months and enjoying a variety of activities: Snooker, Bowling, Bowls, Barbecues (beach and farm), visits of interest, visiting speakers, etc. It’s a great opportunity to get out and meet others, and invite your friends along. Most activities include food and drink!

The aim of the Ladies’ Group is to demonstrate Christian love and provide opportunities for ladies to get to know each other, to make new friends and build up relationships. We aim to be fully inclusive and encourage ladies to invite and bring along their friends to share in the enjoyment and fun.
The current Ladies’ Group has been running since December 2021. We now meet bi-monthly, usually on a Thursday evening, and try to arrange activities to suit all ages. We have had a wide range of events, including a curry night, ten pin bowling, greens bowls with fish and chips, quiz night with nibbles, a picnic with live music from a saxophonist, bingo and pizza, our birthday celebration, 60/70’s night with popular music, quiz and foods of that era, a Pudding (dessert) night and a summer Fashion Show by ‘The Gap in the Market’ with a finger buffet. Our final event before the summer break was Barbecue foods and a music night with the St Peter’s Wellbeing Choir and a sing-a-long, with FUG’s (Feelgood Ukulele Group). As is always popular at Queens Road, nearly all our events involve food!